We have been working on establishing a sleeping routine with Stella and we have made a lot of improvement. Stella started sleeping through the night at about 2 months or so but then some dark clouds rolled in and she began waking up once during the night. Then twice. Then every two hours!! So we decided it was time to work on a routine to help her sleep better and it's working thanks to help from my sisters and the book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child" by Marc Weissbluth. Stella is now waking up only once at night to feed and on special occasions she sleeps through the night again! We are all much happier in the morning and I've found that instead of sleeping only 8-9 hours at night she is able to sleep 11-12 hours. Naps are also a lot easier, but that's another story:)
We love Stella in the mornings! She typically wakes up around 7-7:30 and for about half an hour she just sings! Of course we are both way too tired to go pick her up so we just listen until she is actually crying (I know...we're great parents). When we go to pick her up she always has the biggest grin on her face and is just as happy as can be!
So happy!! |
Stella and her daddy love to cuddle! I used to think food was the best way to wake Alex in the mornings but I think Stella tops that. She's a lot cuter than food:)
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