Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Stella is walking!!!

We've been wondering tor a while now when our little Stella would start walking and she has been close for several months. I think she just didn't feel the need because she knew that she could just be carried everywhere:) Over the weekend we stayed with Megan and I think seeing Vivienne walk made Stella want to walk a little more so it happened! She is now on the go!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Stella is talking! Here are some cute pictures. Sorry, I tried adding a couple videos but it won't let me so I'll just keep trying:( Stella is saying "dada," "mama," "daddy/doggy," "hot," and "thank you." Her personality is also starting to show more and more and we just love her!

Stella, mid-song:)

She looks like she's plotting something mischievous...

Can't look at this one without laughing. Goofball.

Can you see her tongue through the square hole?

I have to include this.... The other day I thought Alex was watching Stella and he thought I was watching her...long story short, she got into the bathroom, pulled ALL the toilet paper off the roll and when I found her it was just a huge mess on the floor. I proceeded to roll the whole thing back up (it was fun) and now this is my toilet paper roll. Love having a one year-old!

We love Miss Stella!